Media Gellery

කැඩුන අස්ථි පැයෙන් හා කරන, පිළිකා වකුගඩු රෝග සුව කරන සෑසි සින්හලේ ඔසු මහානාම හපුගොඩගේ ඉසිවරයාණෝ

Covid 19 Breathing Difficulty Relief from Saasi Sinhale Osu

Recovered Ovarian Cancer Patients Testimonial (Sinhala)

Testimonial of a Prostate Cancer Patient of Dr. Mahnama Hapugoda (Sinhala)

Recovered Cancer Patients Testimonial (Tamil)

An Interview With Dr Swarna Kaluthota about Saasi Wedamadura

Dr Swarna Kaluthota is an independent researcher at Bandaranaike Memorial Ayurvedic Research Institute (BMARI - under Ministry of Health & Indigenous Medicine, Sri Lanka. We have conducted an interview with Dr. Kaluthota on her views about Saasi wedamadura on her last visit to conduct a research about cancer treatments at the facility. Dr Swarna Kaluthota does not endorse nor has any affiliations.

Kirisanda's testimonial

Reveals the truth about the origin of Ayurvedic cancer cure. Is Laggala Dr. Kirisanda the actual healer behind Saasi Wedamadura's miraculous cancer cure as some media claim? Find out the truth from Dr. Kirisanda himself.

kirisanda's brothers testimonial

The true origin of Herbal cure for cancer